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Researcher Ge Xianping Led a Team to Carry out Cross-system Exchanges with the National Shrimp and Crab Industry Technology System

Date:Oct 19, 2022      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On October 11-12, Researcher Ge Xianping, Chief Scientist of the National Conventional Freshwater Fish Industry Technology System and Secretary of the Party Committee of FFRC, went to Qingdao, Rizhao and Lianyungang Comprehensive Experimental Stations of the National Shrimp and Crab Industry Technology System to carry out cross-system exchanges.

From the technical perspective of ecological shrimp farming, Qingdao Comprehensive Experimental Station simulates the natural environment food chain relationship, making the shrimp pond a highly activated artificial ecological system, so that the shrimp can be healthy, grow rapidly, and enhance immunity, so as to achieve the effect of disease prevention.

The shrimp industrial farming system of Rizhao and Lianyungang Comprehensive Experimental Station is a highly intensive aquaculture mode by managing and controlling the water quality, temperature, feed feeding, sewage treatment, etc. in the system, which can achieve the recycling and “zero” discharge of aquaculture waste water.

During the exchange, Chief Scientist Ge Xianping affirmed the leading and exemplary role of the Comprehensive Experimental Stations of the National Shrimp and Crab Industry Technology System in the ecological and efficient shrimp and crab culture in China.

During the period, Liu Bo, Post Scientist of the Freshwater Shrimp Nutrition Demand and Feed of the National Shrimp and Crab Industry Technology System and Researcher of FFRC, examined the middle test effect of the “Sijiaoyou” strain which is independently developed by the three comprehensive experimental stations.

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