On May 23rd, Prof. Li Xiaobing, president of the Academy of International Business Officials(AIBO), MOFCOM, visits FFRC together with Mr. Li Bairu, Deputy Director of the project management office, and Ms. Wang Xinxin, program officer. Prof. Ge Xianping, party secretary of Freshwater Fisheries Research Center and Prof. Yuan Xinhua, deputy director of FFRC warmly welcomed the officials.
At the seminar, secretary Ge Xianping introduced the development situation of the center, focusing on recent scientific and technological innovations and industry support, international cooperation, foreign aid training and education for international students achievements, and said it will implement the national strategy of “One belt and one road”, according to the Ministry of Commerce on foreign aid training project management requirements. We will undertake and implement good quality projects in all kinds of foreign aid training, as a national diplomacy and agricultural "go out" service support. Prof. Yuan Xinhua, deputy director of FFRC, who has devoted almost 20 years of experience in foreign aid projects, highlighted the achievements, the difficulties and developing plan in the national “13th Five year plan”. The president, Prof. Li Xiaobing said, Wuxi is the birthplace of world aquaculture. FFRC also made great significance in such aspects as scientific and technological innovation, foreign aid training, and with the help of training platform, they have promoted the fishery science and technology, economic and trade cooperation between China and foreign countries. It is hoped that the center will continue to serve the China`s diplomatic strategy, performing its role as the Inland Fisheries Aquaculture Research and Training Reference Center listed by "the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), constantly improving the quality, management level and efficiency of foreign aid training projects. Both sides also exchanged views on qualification of project bidding, student selection, project funds management, tax reform policy and so on.
After that, Prof. Li Xiaobing also examined the foreign aid training facilities and greeted the students who are participating in the current training programs.