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Closing Ceremony of Two Foreign-aid Training Programs conducted in FFRC

Date:Aug 10, 2017      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On August 9th, 2017, ‘2017 Training course on Sustainable and Intensive Aquaculture for Asian Countries’ and ‘2017 Training course Aquaculture Techniques for French-speaking African Countries were completed in FFRC. These trainings were sponsored by Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. Pro. Xu Pao, Director General, Pro. Yuan Xinhua, Deputy Director General of FFRC and Mr. Zou Jiangang, Deputy Chief of Division of Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation, Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Commerce attended the closing ceremony.
The guests presented the participants with a certificate of completion and souvenirs. The participants also presented hand-made souvenirs to the leaders and experts attending the graduation ceremony.


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