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Participants from Seminar on Aquaculture Technology for the Philippines visited Guangdong Province

Date:Aug 28, 2017      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On 21th-25th August, 2017, 14 participants from ‘2017 Seminar on Aquaculture Technology for the Philippines’, which is hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and sponsored by FFRC paid a visit to Guangzhou and Zhanjiang. This activity was led by Pro. Dong Zaijie, Deputy Chief of the Genetics and Breeding Department of FFRC and expert of National Technology System for Conventional Freshwater Fish Industries.

In Guangzhou, the participants listened to the lecture on "Deep processing and quality control technologies in Tilapia” presented by Pro. Li Laihao, Deputy Director General of South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS. They exchanged on tilapia development in China, major processing species and technologies, comprehensive utilization of by-products and product quality control.



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