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Mr. Joseph Carter, Director General of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Bureau

Date:Feb 1, 2018      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On January 31th, 2018, Mr. Joseph Carter, Director General, Mr. James Wilson, Assistant Director General of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Bureau of the United States, Mr. Francis Fiss, CEO of Department of Fisheries, and Dr. Hua Dan, Head of the Freshwater Shellfish Breeding and Protection Laboratory visited FFRC. Pro. Xu Pao, Director General of FFRC warmly welcomed the delegation.

During the visit, Mr. Carter and Mr. Fiss were also invited to present academic reports entitled “Mission and introduction of Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency” and “Fish biodiversity and fisheries management in Tennessee, USA”, and exchanged with related researchers, international students and graduate students.

Both sides would continue to carry out the large-scale breeding of Potamilus Alatus seedlings, introduction, domestication and breeding of Aplodinotus Grnniens, and speed up the demonstration and promotion of achievements; expand the research on protection, scientific management, environment regulation and control of fishery resources in Yangtze River,  especially in the field of artificial control, development and utilization, recirculating aquaculture of Asian Carps in US.


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