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Two Foreign-aid Training Course convened in FFRC

Date:May 9, 2018      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On the morning of May 7th, 2018, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by the FFRC, ‘2018 Training courses on Fish Seed Production and Feed Development for Developing Countries’and ‘2018 Training courses on Aquaculture Technology for Ethiopia’ were launched in FFRC.Prof. GE Xianping,Deputy Director General of FFRC,Ms. HUANG Yuning, Deputy Director, Department of Program Management of AIBO, MOFCOM and Ms. ZHAO Yuhong,Deputy Director, Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation, Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province attended the opening ceremony.

There are 53 technicians and officials from 9 countries including Nigeria, Palestine, South Sudan, Sudan, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and 30 technicians from Ethiopia participanted in the courses.


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