From August 19-27, 2018, Prof. Yang Jian was invited to attend the 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA and visited the Natural Resources Institute of University of West Virginia.
At the crustacean fishery conference, Prof. Yang Jian gave an oral report on the “Retrospective Study on the Origin of Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir Based on Multi-Element/Stable Isotope Fingerprint and Morphological Landmark Method”.
The academic exchanges in the United States not only promoted the latest research results of the team's research under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, but also grasped the latest theoretical and technological developments in the field of fisheries ecology and aquatic product origin protection and quality and safety, and have established relatively close academic links with some well-known experts and their research institutions in the world , which will play a significant role in promoting the research on fishery microchemistry, ecological environment and protection of origin.