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Dr. Li Hongxia joining the delegation attended the fourth meeting of China-US bilateral dialogue on fisheries

Date:Aug 30, 2019      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

From the 20th to 22nd of August, the fourth meeting of China-US bilateral dialogue on fisheries was held in Annapolis, U.S. The delegation of Bureau of  Fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of PR. China and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S attended the meeting. Chinese delegation was led by Liu Xinzhong, deputy director general of the Bureau, with another 8 participants from related bureaus and departments. Dr. Li Hongxia from FFRC participated as a translator of the conference and successfully completed the task.


During the meeting, China and the United States exchanged information on updated development of domestic fishery management, research cooperation, regional fishery organization and management, port management, global fishing vessel registration, bilateral trade in aquatic product, bilateral cooperation in combating IUU fishing, and joint law enforcement The scientific and technological cooperation project on marine fishery resource assessment jointly was formally included in the framework of the China-US Bilateral Fisheries Dialogue Conference in 2017.Dr. Ma Zhuojun, Chief of the International Cooperation Division of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and Dr. Werner, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S, made reports on the latest progress of the project. Division was made to continuously promote and expand scientific research cooperation between the two sides.


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