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FFRC Attended in FAO Global Forum of the World Earth Day

Date:Apr 24, 2020      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]


On April 22th- the World Earth Day, Pro.f Xu Pao, Director General of FFRC and Pro.f Ge Xianping, Deputy Director General led the international cooperation team to participate in Global marathon Forum of the World Earth Day jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Future Food Research Institute (FFI). The China Session of the Forum was hosted by Ms. Feng Dongxin, Deputy Director of the FAO Partnerships Department. Mr. Wang Kerong, China Regional Head of FFI, with 10 keynote speakers from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University , and other more than 100 experts attended in the forum activities via a video link and the forum was broadcasted live globally through YouTube.


Director Xu Pao, as the only guest speaker in the fishery field, introduced the present situation and future of aquaculture development to the world , analyzed the development and contribution of the world's fisheries and aquaculture, the rapid development of China's aquaculture, opportunities and challenges facing now. Besides ,he expressed strong desire of FFRC to involve in promoting world's food security, which received unanimous praise from the organizers and other experts .


                                                                                                                              (Translated by ZHONG Chunyi)


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