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FFRC contributed to the establishment of friendly relations between foreign countries and Wuxi City

Date:Aug 17, 2021      Author:     Source:     Font  [ Big Medium Small  ]

On August 16, FFRC successfully assisted Ismailia Province and Wuxi City to establish a friendly exchange relationship, achieving a new breakthrough in the construction of friendly exchange relationship between Wuxi City and Africa.

Deputy Governor Ahmed Moussa of Ismailia Province first expressed his gratitude to Wuxi City for advancing the establishment the friendly exchange relationship between Wuxi City and Ismailia Province, and introduced the basic situation of the province in detail from various aspects such as history, economy, culture, education, sports, climate and environment.

Mr. Chen Minghui, Director of Wuxi Foreign Affairs Office, first expressed his gratitude to FFRC and Suez Canal University for their contribution. He hoped that the two places can further expand their exchange areas of exchanges in the future, and make the friendship and cooperation between Wuxi and Egypt a concrete practice under the framework of “China-Africa Cooperation” and “China-Latin America Cooperation”.

This seminar on the establishment of friendly exchange relationship between Ismailia Province and Wuxi City gave full play to the advantages and functions of FFRC’s “Chinese-foreign fishery exchange and cooperation platform” and a new online training platform. It is a concrete manifestation of FFRC's forty years of profound international cooperation work and strong international influence. The two sides reached an agreement on signing a letter of intent for friendly relations, and set a preliminary timetable for the formal signing of the memorandum.

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