Seminar on Sustainable Aquaculture and Climate Change for “B&R” Countries and 2016 Seminar on Fishery Development and Management for “Silk Road” Countries visits Guangdong Province for a study tour. Both seminars last from August 23rd to September 12th . There are 54 participants from 8 countries in this two programs. The seminar will adopt modular teaching method, covering mainly the following contents: the basic information of China, global climate change, aquaculture development in China, impact of climate change on agriculture and aquaculture, policies and practices of China in aquaculture under climate change, water-saving aquaculture development and practices (artificial wetland, recycling system, etc.), technical measures and practices in aquaculture under the impact of extreme weathers, green fish feed development and feeding management, fishery recourses management and climate change, industrialized seed production and climate change, fishery enhancement, healthy aquaculture and drug management, integrated fish farming and latest development, fishery eco-environment protection, information technology in aquaculture, fish disease prevention, control and treatment, aquaculture risk management, global sustainable aquaculture development etc.. Meanwhile, the seminar also covers case study on extreme weather events and the impact on fishery production, study tours on city development and culture experience, etc.. The seminar will be conducted in forms of lecture, study tour, group work, cultural experiencing, community visit, etc..
During the seminar, participants will also visit the fish farms, managerial departments, research institutes, etc. in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai city and Guangdong Province, so that, through in-depth communication with farmers, technicians and enterprise managerial staff, the participants would get a more objective understanding upon the practices and achievements in sustainable aquaculture development under influence of climate change, and exchange on potential cooperation areas between China and participating countries. Meanwhile, through getting involved in communities and visiting cities, participants could experience the time-honored traditional Chinese culture as well as China’s achievements since its reform and opening up policy.